Thursday, May 25, 2006

Look At Me! This... This Is Great!

Well... I think you look fantastic!

Um... OK, I'm Done Now. Really... It's Been Fun

Sorry, Baby Girl... get use to it.
We saved the best for last.
: )

But... But... Daaaaad?

I'm sorry, Sweetie...
It's for your own good.

Why All The Fuss? The Other End


She's had a rather nasty gash in her tail since her rescue and it just hasn't had the chance to heal with all her waggin'. Every effort, from bandage to "bitter apple", just seems to entertain her for a while until she's had enough and tears into our latest idea. As you can see... the collar hasn't gone over very well... but it is still on : )

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Grace And Beauty

A Serious Side

Product Placement


Pondering The Unified Quantum Field Theory... Or... The Zen-like Nature Of The Bone

The Coach Hopes To Have Her On The JV B-Ball Team Next Year

Puppy Ears

Melon Colly