Monday, June 19, 2006

"Not Only Is She Deaf... She's Insane"

Sunday started out like anyother Sunday... l a z y.
Didn't want to cook either, so my friend, Dee and I headed out to get a bite. At some point during our excursion home, my dog decided to play her final Trump Card and pull one last tail trick that no one saw coming. She chewed off and ate the part of her beautiful Dane tail that had been pitting our wits against hers. The living room looked like a crime scene. With Dee and I both being in the vet biz, we quickly managed to control the bleeding, bandage her up, and head to the Animal ER Clinic where Dee works. It was decided by Dr. Dave, that an additional three inches be docked... bringing her total to about five inches. Below is a chronicle of the nights events. She gets the last laugh....

Pre OP

The Procedure

Post OP

Sarasota FL